Merchant Cash Advance

Get the Cash You Need Now With a Merchant Cash Advance

There are many types of financing out there, so what type should you choose when you need money now and don’t ‘have a lot of collateral? At Hillcrest Capital Group, we offer a merchant cash advance program to borrowers who require up to $200,000 per business location. A cash advance is a faster and more appropriate alternative to a regular small-business loan if you don’t meet the qualifications for a regular loan.

Cash Advance Advantages

There are many reasons businesses choose to take out a merchant cash advance instead of a regular loan. Here are a few of the more notable:

  • Rapid arrival of funds
  • No collateral required
  • Minimal paperwork
  • Easy payback terms
  • No fixed payments
  • No fee to apply

A merchant cash advance is different from a regular loan in the way it’s repaid. Instead of making a set payment every month, you hardly have to do anything when it comes to paying back a cash advance. Repayment of this type of financing is achieved by remitting a portion of your credit card sales to us. Whenever your customers use a major credit card to pay for purchases, a percentage of the payment will automatically go toward your merchant cash advance until the debt is paid in full.

Learn More

If you’re interested in this type of funding and would like to learn more about it, please contact us today. We are eager to take care of your financing needs.